Santa Maria School

Global CSM

Global CSM

Education for global citizenship seeks to provide solutions to a culture where individuality and competitiveness prevail and the values that make us grow as whole people are not taken into account.

A global citizen understands the world at large and takes an active role in the community, seeking well-being for all, respecting the complexities of local contexts and cultures and understanding the importance of adapting global ideas to the specific needs and capabilities of a community.

#CSMExperiences is the program of multicultural experiences offered by Colegio Santa Maria to strengthen soft skills such as autonomy, leadership and teamwork, through experiences in different parts of Colombia and the world.

From an early age, the girls experience educational outings, expeditions and excursions that help them understand that the difference lies in accepting responsible participation in order to achieve transformation. Our students are in constant contact with the outside world through visits to museums, farms, organizations and industries, and trips to towns and cities such as Guasca, Ubaté, Ráquira, Amazonas and La Guajira.

In seventh grade, students can participate in the Canadian immersion program. immersion program in CanadaThis experience seeks to develop intercultural competence that facilitates personal development and bilingualism (English and/or French).

Además participamos constantemente en The British English Olimpics (BEO), competencia académica en el Reino Unido organizada por el Grupo Internacional de Oxford, en la que el Colegio Santa María ha adquirido varios galardones, premios y menciones de honor.


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